Utah Revised Nonprofit Corporation Act
Utah Code Title 16, Chapter 6a

Click here for the current Nonprofit Corporation Act.
The below is not updated with new changes to the law after 2018!
16-6a-714. Quorum and voting
requirements for voting groups.
(1) (a) Members entitled to vote as a separate voting group
may take action on a matter at a meeting only if a quorum of those members
exists with respect to that matter.
(b) Unless otherwise provided in this chapter or in
accordance with Section 16-6a-716,
at a meeting of the voting group, the members of the voting group that are
represented for any purpose at the meeting constitute a quorum of that voting
group for action on a matter.
(2) Once a member is represented for any purpose at a
meeting, including the purpose of determining that a quorum exists, the member
is considered present for quorum purposes:
(a) for the remainder of the meeting; and
(b) for any adjournment of that meeting, unless:
otherwise provided in the bylaws; or
(ii) a new
record date is or shall be set for that adjourned meeting.
(3) Action on a matter other than the election of directors
by a voting group is approved if:
(a) a quorum exists;
(b) the votes cast within the voting group favoring
the action exceed the votes cast within the voting group opposing the action;
(c) a greater number of affirmative votes is not
required by this chapter or the bylaws.
(4) The election of directors is governed by Section 16-6a-717.
Amended by Chapter 13, 2001 Special Session 1